1. 1973 BOWLING TEA"' . fRONT ROW, Mitchell , Hudson, Champion , Beck. BACK ROW , Coach Burt , Kress, Watson, Kieffner . 2. FINISHING up ..his del ivery, senior Keith Kres s views his boll 's path as it heads for the headpin. 3. RElEASING his shot , David Hudson follows through with his arm and legs as the boll begins its hooking action down the olley. 4. FULLY stretching the entire length of hi s body , Don Mitchell uses followthrough while watching his boll glide toward its target . 5. CONCENTRATING on plocement of his shot , Gary Beck begins the downswing of his approach. 6. HAVING completed his attempt at a strike , lloyd Champion watches for the results . 208 Team Harding State College Southern State Arkansas Tech Arkansas College Ouachita Baptist Ale FINALS 1972