SWIMMING School records fall as Waterbuffaloes finish best season Breaking and rebreaking II of the 13 school records, the 1973 swimming team coached by Arnold Pylkas placed the highest any Harding team had ever placed in the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference finals. The Waterbuffaloes took second as Mark Trotter's victory in the diving competition left Harding undefeated in two years in that event. Captain Harry Miller came within one-and-a-half seconds of breaking the AIC breast stroke record, and Mark McInteer went most of the season undefeated in the SO-yard freestyle. The 400-yard medley relay team of Dan Bateman , Paul Knarr , Miller, and McInteer consistently broke the school record. John Eastland helped out in the breast stroke event, whi le Fred Finke swam the distance races. Knarr, a freshman swam four events in the finals. 206