~. "'- i l 5 1. ROCKETING through the oir, Ken Willoughby shows the fino I form before landing in the long jump pit. 2. SPRINTING ot the finish of the 880yard dash , freshman More Muncy bears the efforts of distance running . 3. LEANING forward out of the starting blocks, sprinter Tom Droke attempts to build an early lead for the 88O-yord reloy teom. 4. 1912 HAROING TRACK TRAM. FRONT ROW, Richey, Willoughby , Muncy, Roberson, Bennett . SECOND ROW : Trainer Slocum, McGee, Geary, Mead, Bone , Woods , Bellis , McClofferty , Monoger Rudder. THIRD ROW, Coach Sharp, Vines, Howard , Beck , Lasley , Droke , Cooch lloyd. 5. COMPLITING the grueling mile run with another first place , senior Tim Geary crosses the tope. 6. HAVING put the shot , field-eventman Royce Howard completes the delivery of his throw. 205