1972-1973 Yearbook

TRACK Distance runners guide tracksters through slow year Returning seven lettermen, but only one senior and one junior, the 1972 Hardi ng track team experienced a difficult season in the Arkansas intercollegiate Conference. Several individuals scored consistently throughout the regu lar season meets, but the team finished low in the AIC finals. Senior Tim Geary defended his mile-run title and also won the 880yard run while tying the school record in the middle distance event. The 440yard relay team placed fourth in the conference finals , and were one tenth of a second off the school record in the relay. , HARDIIG 'lACK 3 4 Place of Mee' Conway, Ark. Searcy, Ark. Searcy, Ark. NOshville , Tenn. Searcy, Ar . Russell'lille . Ark . 1972 RESUlTS Teams State College Philander Smith Harding Hendri x Philander Smith Harding State College Philander Smith Harding Ozarl<§. Q!!ocliita Arkansas Tl Harding Ozarks Arkadel>hiia. Ark. Ouothita UA-Monticello Southern State State College .. , , • $co.. • 69 42 34 28 70 57 69 42 34 28 93