1972-1973 Yearbook

1. FOILING a Hendrix player'sattempt at blocking a shot , freshmon Rondy Reynolds ' toss foils toword the basket . 2. PALMING 0 shot which ricocheted from the bockboord, post-mon Freddie Dixon pulls down onother rebound. 3. TALKING with his team during a time out, Cooch Sucy exploins how to better carry out their game plans . 4. PUSHING the boll with the tips of his fingers into the goal , freshman Gory Saker tallies two more points for the Herd. 5. ADDING onother bosket to the teom' stotol , Freddie Dixon tips in a two-pointer. 6. LEAVING the floor while driving at full speed and concentroting on moking the layup, guard Tim Vick thwarts his defender's attempt at stopping him. 203