1. SHiniNG quickly from offense to defense, guard Randy Mulvaney races beside the boll· handler in hapes of stealing the ball. 2. WATCHING from the bench beside Coach Bucy , new assistant coach Wilt Martin studies the players' actions on the hardwood . 3. nEIN~ the goal , Tim Vick arches his shot while perched on his tip.toes. 4. GOING up from beneoth the backboard, postman Freddie Dixon tries a short hook·shot . 5. AIMING the boll for the basket , freshman Gory Baker decides upon a jump-shot. 6. FIXING his attention upon the offensive , Joe Mathias takes opportunity of being unguarded for his attempt at scoring. 7. GRABBING a rebound against the Arkansas College Scots, Joe Mathias clings to the ball while teammate Freddie Dixon goes up along the side to help out on the boards. 200