1972-1973 Yearbook

1. SHiniNG quickly from offense to defense, guard Randy Mulvaney races beside the boll· handler in hapes of stealing the ball. 2. WATCHING from the bench beside Coach Bucy , new assistant coach Wilt Martin studies the players' actions on the hardwood . 3. nEIN~ the goal , Tim Vick arches his shot while perched on his tip.toes. 4. GOING up from beneoth the backboard, postman Freddie Dixon tries a short hook·shot . 5. AIMING the boll for the basket , freshman Gory Baker decides upon a jump-shot. 6. FIXING his attention upon the offensive , Joe Mathias takes opportunity of being unguarded for his attempt at scoring. 7. GRABBING a rebound against the Arkansas College Scots, Joe Mathias clings to the ball while teammate Freddie Dixon goes up along the side to help out on the boards. 200