1972-1973 Yearbook

, . WHILE on tour of France with other members of the French Oub. Cindy Holmes takes time out from Ihe camp oclivilies 10 sludy. 2. SHEA. FRONT ROW , McCray. Allen , Taggart, Galloway, Juslus, Griffilh , Oockery, Bells , Spillman. SECOND ROW, While , Mcjunkins , Gifford , While, Wells, Slewort, Woile , Romine , Gray, Slonfili. THIRD ROW , Mclllwoin , Loflin , Cooper, Olwell , Bohler , Hazel , Nance, Power , Brannock, Hobelman, Blackwood. FOURTH ROW , Morris, Diller, BonIa , Porker, Williams , Hannett , Wilson . Hecker, Starling, Underwood . FIFTH ROW, Harris, Morris , Wilson, Nadeau , Adams , Bush , Fitzgerald, Cosh . 3. 5MENC. SEATED, Bagnello, Cox . FRONT ROW , Wilson , Dale, Mortin, Almand, Powers . Roberts. Woods . SECOND ROW , Burcham, Shepherd, Roper, Cosey , Manlove , Shearin. 4. FRENCH CLUB . FRONT ROW , Roemer, Porker, Hecker. SECOND ROW, The Winfred Wrighls . THIRD ROW, Jameson, BasI, Haimes , Losoler, Martin. FOURTH ROW, Tucker, Hayes , BurIan, Strolher, Marchal , Graddy . 5. AHEA. FRONT ROW , Loll , Bledsoe, Abele , Mallery, Dockery. SECOND ROW , Widel , Delhrow, Lippincott , Bristow, Fuller , Brannock. THIRD ROW : Deacon, McCann, Parker, White, Oarkes, Sliles , Holderby, Inmon. FOURTH ROW, Cosh , Rix, Bledsoe, Wood , Conlrell , Smilhey, Soulhord , Thompson. 181