SPECIAL INTERESTS Young Democrats attend convention, aid voter enrollment With the elections in the fall, Young Democrats were active in supporting the candidates of their party. They helped sponsor voter registration in the fall and attended the Democratic Convention. Students representing foreign countries compared their traditions at meetings of the lntemationaI Club. The members presented their annual chapel program in the fall to introduce the organization to the student body. Each member wore his native costume and gave a speech in his native language. Caves all over the state were sites for exploration by Harding Spelunkers. New members were taught caving skills and were allowed to practice them under supervision of more experienced members. The group's cardinal rule was to leave everything just as they had found it before exploration. Each month the Harding Business Women met to discuss the relationship between employers and employees. Discussions were provoked by their guest speakers. A service provided by this organiza tion was a handbook for use in lhe school offices. 3 ,..)' 174 (