1972-1973 Yearbook

1. KHCA. FRONT ROW, Schreiber, Neal. Hetker, Hopwood , Brown. SECOND ROW, Ransom, Dyer, ROW, Porker, Corum, Woodhouse, Olney, McDaniel , Moore, Savage. 2. AT tile controls at the college radio station, Glen Olney provides entertainment for the KHeA listeners. SPEECH GROUPS 1972 candidates discuss platforms over KHCA waves Technical problems stemming from the installation of new equipment last year were solved by the KHCA staff, allowing them to be more active than in the past. With the state election in the fall , KHCA sponsored a public service in allowing all state-wide candidates one hour of air time. More than 7S per cent of the state's hopefuls took ad - vantage of this opportunity. A new morning show was featured for the first time, as well as the regular afternoon and evening broadcasts. Once again Open Forum gave students the opportunity to call in questions or express their opinions. 168