1972-1973 Yearbook

- . ," ~ .. ~ .. DlspEirsed among the world's lands and waters today ore more thon four billion persons - each In his own way striving to succeed and to make a better life for himself. A hurried glance may reveal no apparent common elements binding this massive population . We Immediately recognize unity within our homes , our states, on coHege campuses, in business and lobor - wherever Old Glory waves we cherish a common identity. Ruling governments differ and distance separates those of one notionallty from another. Yet how much do people actually change? Are we not four billion, tempered by environments yet united in reality? Is there a severing point for love or a land where want and hunger have become obsolete? In what utopia does death cease /0 claim and tragedy foil to sodden? To whom ;s wor foreign? Are not these binding principles stronger than geographic boundaries or governmental discrepancies? Each created in the Image of one Creotor, we cannot separate ourselves through physical barriers for God does not change. 15