1972-1973 Yearbook

1. ENGAGED in one of the weekly practice debates, Martha Oenewiler endeavors to convince her audience of the validity of her arguments . 2. DEBATE TEAM. FRONT ROW, Smith Clark , Oenewiler, Oeidiker. SECOND ROW : Poine , (orum, Cardot . THIRD ROW , Estes, Castle , Wilson , Garner. 3. CAMPUS PLAYERS, FRONT ROW , Borton, Strother, Schreiber, Ruborts . SECOND ROW: Palmer , Bridges , McClurg, Tucker, Olree , Edens , Bixler. THIRD ROW, Smith, Murray , Oldroyd , Coldwell , Clark , Garner, Clark , Botemon. FOURTH ROW, Greenville, lockamy , Blucker , TuUos, McDonald, McClurg, Cunningham, Moore, Smith. 4. DRAMATICAllY, Joe Corum projects his entire self into his expressions as he presents his points of view in a debate. 5. CONTRIBUTING their talents to this year's muskal , "Mon of lo Mancha," members of Campus Players provide the hard work necessary to make the production a success. 167 ,