1972-1973 Yearbook

- 1. CHORALI. fRONT ROW , Aldrich, london, Murphy, Roe , Billingsley, Will iams, Phelps, Talbot, Thomas, Cloy, Troxel , Sheperd, lenderman, Poyner, HarTis. SECOND ROW , Aly, Bryant , Bonks, Hibbard, Harshaw, Moser, Wilson, Brown, Wineinger, McGuffy, lovell, Miller, Webster, lumpkin. THIRD ROW, Davis, Hobelmon, freemon , little, Watts , Whitefield, Cross, lavender, Malone, Dell, Akin , Groves, Cooper, Blackwell , Hufford , Randall , Woods. FOURTH ROW , Mathis, Todson, Cotes , Case l. , Cose D., Kingdon, RUlz , Wilson , Cox, Carlan, Carter, Brunning, Horton , Healy , Roberts, Cosh. FIFTH ROW, Holder, Shirley, Shepherd, Henderson, Manlove, Jackson, Williams , O'Rourke , Poyet, Nosh , Guthery , Stewart, Wallace, Kenn, Brooks. Archer. 2. GATHERED around the piano. members of the Chamber Singers rehearse for an upcoming performance. 3. DIRECTING a Chorale 01>' pearonce, Mr. Shearin demonstrates his ioterpretotion of folk ballads . 4. CHAMBER SINGERS. fRONT ROW , Roe . SECOND ROW , Harshaw, Carlon, Aly. THIRD ROW, Poynor, Anderson, Ruiz, Moser. FOURTH ROW, l i"le, Monlove, Henderson , Woods, FIFTH ROW, Rondoll , Jackson, Sheann, lumpkin. S. INSPIRED by the words they ore singing, members of the Chorale constantly endeavor to perfect their performance. 161