1. MISSION STUDY FRONT ROW , Hamrick , Merritt , 3 Imhoff , lott , Sour, Davis , Clark. SECOND ROW , Holmes, Porker , Newberry, loney. Pennisi , Hamilton, Thomas, Cross , lavender. THIRD ROW: Roemer , M. Swartz , Townsend , Mollott, l. Cose , O. Case , Hare, Reeder, Reese , Beason. FOURTH ROW : Reese , Pennisi , MlIler, Jackson, Rosch, Guthery , C. Swartz , Rockhold , Matheny , Shockell()(d , Dav is. FIFTH ROW, Burke, Wilson, Foss, Flynn . 2. TIMOTHY CLUB. FRONT ROW , Hays, Therrio, Cooper, Matheny, D. Jones, Jackson . SECOND ROW , Rockhold , Johnson, Morris , J. Jones , Burton, Prestidge, Benson. THIRD ROW , Fowler , F()(neo , Rosch, Owens, Anderson , Sherman , Wadsworth , Rothfus . FOURTH ROW, O'Connell , Wiechert, Bynum, Farber, Reynolds , Lee , Guthery , Cathey. 3. ADDRESSING the members 01 Mission Study , Dr. Hocker informs them about the mission program carried out annually in Europe . 156