1972-1973 Yearbook

2 1. EUROPEAN CAMPAIGNS. FRONT ROW , Hocker, Thomas, Howard , Taggart, Woods , Clark , SECOND ROW , Hibbard , Adorns , Holt , Pyle, Low, Dimill. THIRD ROW , Mollolt, Sparkman, Green , Case, Griffin , Souder, Reeder, Hocker. FOURTH ROW, Beason, Croom, Hagins , Smelser , lewis, Archer, Stevens , Roberts . 2. PREPARING for their efforts in other areas , campaigners Brenda Dimmitt and Donny Smelser make a practice door knobk in Searcy. 3. PROSPECTIVE campaigners receive instruction and information from Dr. Joe Hocker, sponsor of the two groups. 4. CAMPAIGNS NORTHEAST. FRONT ROW, Jacques, Langston , Elkins , Linder , Williams , Eoff , Hunter, Gordner, Davis, Toye . SECOND ROW , Lewis , Jones , Ellelt , Teo, Harsh , Overbey, Mitchell , Cole, Roberts, Denewiler, Evans . THIRD ROW : Cole, Olree, Cross, Sisk , Brooks , Gardner, Cooper, Deidiker, Jones , Stanfill , Linder, Lewis . FOURTH ROW , Holston, Gont, Owens, Christlieb, Nelson, Furling, Paine, Goudeau, Evans, Cooper. FIFTH ROW : Jackson , Matheny , Herria, Dovis , (ox, Brown, lee , Fowler, Wright, Jones. 4 155