1. MIKE MURRIE.. . Beta Phi ; Spee<:h major ; Radioman of the Year ; KHCA Staff, Student Director ; Iota Beta Sigma; Campus Players; A Cappella; Recording Chorus. 2. McKAY SHIElDS... Della Chi Omega ; Home Economics major ; Outstanding Home Economics Student 197()"72; Big Sisters , chairman; Alpha Chi; AHEA; Gold Key . 3. DANNY SMElSER... Galaxy; General Science major; Pre-med Club; Belles and Beaux; A Cappella; Omicron Delta; International Campaigns; Beta Tau Gamma beau. 4. RON STOUGH...Chi Sigma Alpha ; Bible major; Timothy Club; Campaigns Northeast; Alpha Chi; Beta Tau Gamma beau. s. SWAID SWAID . . . Knights; Biology major; Pre-med Club; Omicron Delta; Alpha Chi; Duane Preist Memorial Scholarship recipient. 6. RICHARD TAlLOR ... Golaxy; Accounting major; aiSON Business Manager; Omicron Delto; Pi Gamma Epsilon; Delta Epsilon Delto; American Studies. 137