1. CINDl CAliS.•. Kappa Delta; Physical Education major; Bison Band; Chorale; Chamber Singers ; PEMM Club; SNEA. 2. RON COLEMAN. . . Galaxy; Accounting major ; American Studies; Delta Mu Delta; Alpha Chi ; 1973 PETIT JEAN Business Manager ; 1973 Executive Team; Pi Gamma Psi. 3. DAN COOPER . .. Koinonia ; Bible major; Timothy Club; Assistant Dorm Manager of Graduate Dorm; Zeta Rho beau; Campaigns Northeast student director. 4. BARRIE COX... Alpha Omega Alpha ; Art major ; ACappella; Belles and Beaux; Madriga ls; president of SNEA; Art Guild ; Campus Players. S. CALVIN CRIM... lambda Sigma; Mathematics and Bible major; Science CluP' president ; Alpha Chi vice-president ; Chorale president ; Chamber Singers.