GRADUA TE SCHOOL Graduate school enrollment rises with innovations Growth characterized the graduate program leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching degree during 1972. A total of 115 students were enrolled and 28 received degrees. A course in Comparative Education was added for the 1973 summer session. Three workshops during the 1972 summer session provided an innovative approach to current educational problems . _ Dr. Dean Priest and other members of the mathematics facu lty cooperated with t he Univers ity of Arkansas in a state-wide mathematics program. GRADUATE COUNCIL LEfT TO RIGHT, Dr. James (orr , Dr . Edward Sewell , Or. Joseph Pryor , Dr. Nyo1 Royse, Dr. Harry Olree . Or. Jock Sears . ALIXANDIR, IMBRA LYNN DeVolis Bluff, Ark .. Element(J'"Y Education BIFFLE , PAUUm Buena Perk , Calif. .. Elementa-y Education DAYIS, (HARW Bisnop, Texos .. Music Education IllIS, MIUNOA Dallas , Texas ........ Physical Education HUI , YUIlIN Hong Kong ...... Biology HYDI , KArLA ANNI SeCJ'-CY. Ark. . ................ English JOHNSON, RI(lY Oxnard , Calif. . .. . English lII, KIIBI Augusta , Ark .. . Bible McCLUGGAGl , NANCY ofoyette, La. . ... English Mdllll, ROBIRT Rector , Ark. . ...... Biology MOORI , RIGINALD Hartford, Mich. . ..... Speech MORTON, FRANCIS Hemet , Calif. . . ...... Speech MURRI! , JACQUILYN Hattieville, Ark. . .......... Psychology PEACOCK, RONNIE Secrcy, Ark. . . ..... . . Physicol Education TURNIR, MOSI Secrcy, Ark. . .... Physicol Educotion YOmS, LARRY Grove, Oklo . ................. Biology 127