Shiv.,. , . .. Somerville, Tem. Shor••, Br.nda ...... Cove Springs, Ark . Showolter, John ........... Searcy, Ark . Side., Alyi• ............ Nashville, Ark. Simmon., lurt ....... Willis Point, Texas Sinn, Jonell ........... Chesterifle, Mo. Silk, Judy ............. La Cygne, Kon. Sinrel, Terry .......... Ashtabula , Ohio SIaHOft, Ronald ......... Memphis, Tern Smith, Cynthia ....... West Helena , Aric. Smith, D.borah ......... Yorictown, Ind . Smith, Jon.t .......... Ft. Worth, Texas Smith, Sara ............. florence, Ala. Smith, SUlanne ....... Montgomery, Alo. Smith, Yan .......... Deer Lodge, Mont. Smith, W.I..t.r .......... Success, Ark. Snook, Deborah .......... Swifton, Aric . Snyder, Marteen ........ Von Wert , Ohio Sparkman, EliIobeth ... Crystal River, Flo., Emily ......... lecompton, Kon. Spillmon, Horny .. . ...... Mt . Ida, Arit . Stoty, Jon.t ............. Corning, Aric. Starling, Gary .......... florissont , Mo. Staub, l.ann. . Burlington, lowo St...., Carol .......... Memohis . Tem. Stdfin.; Katherine .... West Monroe, lo. Stn.n., Eldred . Dollos, Texas St.wort, Hollls . . little Rock, Ark. Stan., Jan.t ........... Sherman, Texos Stuart, Bonnl. . ... Alamante Springs, flo. Stuart, Jam.. .......... Shreveport, la. Sutherllne, Terua ..... Greencostle, Ind. TalboH, Undo .......... New York, N. Y. T",klr, . ........ Houston, Texos T.ff.rtill.r, Alan ...... Mcleansboro, III. Therrlo, latonia .......... Morrero, lo. Thomas, Dtane ......... Hartford, Mich. Thoma. , Sheny ......... Neelyville, Mo. Thomason. Dayid ........ Renton, Wash. Thoma.on, Philip .......... Norfolk, Va. Todsen, Piper ....... St. Petersburg, flo . TroH.r, Mork ....... Independence, Mo. Troxel, Susan ........ Blommington, Incl . Tueker, DoYlcl ...... South Hodsley, Moss Turner, Mona ........... Newport , Ark. Uko, Okon ...... Nung Udoe Uyo, Nigeria Umphr..s, Doni.1 ..... Richardson, Texas Vaughn, William ....... Big Sandy, Texas Vick.,., Dorothea ...... Sharptown, Md. FRESHMEN Cripple finds two feet are better than none MERRllTwheeling along to the Student Center, Piper Todsen receives a helpful push from friend Marcello Brooks. 123