FRESHMEN Theater worker sympathizes with tightrope walkers SKIlLIfUl balancing on the bars above the little Theatre, lott Therrio adds finishing touches to the set. HOf9Ol"d. Penelope . North little Rock , Ark. Hollh." Tho,... .. . .. MemphIS, Tem. Holloway, Rond,l ... Griffithville , Ark . Hopwood, Ann ... Hot Springs , Ark . Horton, Welma ... longview, Texas Ho....... Sandy . ftlyetteville . Ark. Ho.. n, 'tfred ... Union City, Tenn. Howell. Melin" .. . . Ft . Worth, Texas Huctdluton, Gloria ..... West Plains , Mo. Mu;'.., Arlen. . ..... Augusto . Aric. Hughe., Jimmy .......... Dallas, Texos qam., (tvln ........... Memphis, Tem. Ingram, Debra West Palm Beach, Fla. Jocbon, Jeffre, .... ... . Williston, S. C. Jom.. , Robin .. . . Seorcy, Aric . Montgomery, Ala . . Nashville, Tem. . . Grandview. Mo. Jamie.on, Mell... . Jaml.on, Jam.. J.. ,.I, Stn . Johnlon, Do"ltA Johnlon, Donna Johnson, L..,ono · . Godsden, Ala . .. Imperial8eoch. Calif. · . Detroit. Mich. Johnson, Rkhard Johnlton, JON. Johnston, nmoth, Join.., Robert · Shreveport, la. .... Newport , Ark. . .. Paducah, Ky. .... Memphis, Tenn. .... Houstan, Texas . ..... Alamagondo, N. M. .. Merigold , Miss. Jo...., Kor.. Jonel, a."... I, Jon.l, h.ty" Jonel, Jam•• D. . . . Nashville , Ark. Jone., Jom'l O. . ... Center Square, Po. Jone., P.", .......... Shreveport, La . Jo.ln, J.,U ............ Gallatin, Tenn. Ilndrldl, a.tty ... Merlin, Texas Kimbl.r, K••n ........... Metairie, La . Ki••• I, Judith .. . ... Albia, Iowa King, R.nefy ............. WCl'ren, Ohio II"" R.becca ...... Fairfield, Ohio IInm.., Tina ......... . Clarksville, Ark . KI"y,I..,..-I, ....... Parkesburg, W. V. 110.', Ste".n .... Maryland Heights, Mo . lnapp, VontAo ....... Lewistown, Mont. lnarr, Po,,1 ........... Rochester , Mich. Inoz,lugen• ........... Seanle, Wash. Kromor, 'oul .... Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico krumrtl, Philp . . Hoorlem, Holland lumpf, Lo,. . Son Antonio, Texas lamberson, Donald North Miami Beach, Fla. lantlon, ShiNY ......... Ashtabula , Ohio 10.. 10,. M.ri~. . ....... Delhi. lo. 120