1972-1973 Yearbook

10 "The Godfather" claimed top box office sales and revealed tragiC truths that jolted each capacity audience. "Man of La Mancha ," Harding's Homecoming musical, recreated scenes from the r 7th century Spanish Inquisition, as viewed through the Idealistic Imagination of Don Quixote. Major league baseball lost its first black player, Jackie Robinson . .. Radio lost Its famed Andy of the Amos and Andy duet . Women's Lib received on unsolicited boost when Martha Mitchell demanded the resignation of her husband as Pres ident Nixon 's campaign manager. Mrs . Donna Sample become Arkansas' first female probation officer. Hoping to effect a wage increose, sanitation workers in Searcy walked off their jobs only to find themselves unemployed and replaced. Nationalist Chino staged a similar walkout after being unseated by the Red Chinese delegation to the U.N.