10 "The Godfather" claimed top box office sales and revealed tragiC truths that jolted each capacity audience. "Man of La Mancha ," Harding's Homecoming musical, recreated scenes from the r 7th century Spanish Inquisition, as viewed through the Idealistic Imagination of Don Quixote. Major league baseball lost its first black player, Jackie Robinson . .. Radio lost Its famed Andy of the Amos and Andy duet . Women's Lib received on unsolicited boost when Martha Mitchell demanded the resignation of her husband as Pres ident Nixon 's campaign manager. Mrs . Donna Sample become Arkansas' first female probation officer. Hoping to effect a wage increose, sanitation workers in Searcy walked off their jobs only to find themselves unemployed and replaced. Nationalist Chino staged a similar walkout after being unseated by the Red Chinese delegation to the U.N.