FRESHMEN Freshmen support workshop camp for German Christians Rallying to Harding's athletic contests, the able freshmen teams progressed to the finals in basketball and volleyball , defeating the sophomores and juniors. The freshmen added to the success of Friendly Week by organizing and conducting a free candy handout after chapel. A Valentine Party held February II allowed the class to once again associate as a group. With the guidance of their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ulrey, the freshmen initiated plans to raise funds for the Christian Youth Workshop i~ Germany. 1. FRESHMEN OFFICERS: Dr. Evan Ulrey, sponsor; Mrs. Evan Ulrey, sponsor ; Charles Connon, president ; Kaki Sharp, vice-president ; Diane Reynolds , secretory. 2. DESI and choir provides a typical setting for long hours of study for lela Griffin. 3. BAntiNG the cold weather, Bonnie Stantan and Donna Pruitt find transportation across campus . 116 •