1972-1973 Yearbook

SOPHOMORES Footballers lack company during summer training PASSING the time during their summer training ore football ployers Roger Collins , Steve Watts and Steve Clory. Hooton, Virginia ........ Pine Bluff , ArIc. . Horsman_Morityn ........ Florence, Ala . Howord, Chry.Gnne ...... Alexandria, lo. Hud.on_ Ky. . . . . ... Lafoye"e, l ao Huffard, (loiM ......... Bei rut , lebanon Hupp, D. bra .......... Mabelvale, Alit. HuA.y. Otnni• .......... Camden, Aric: . Hutchison, Horry Hyde, Patricio Jamll , Gereta Jaml.on, Phillip . John,on, Sarah . Johnlon. Sylvia lohn.an, Thoma. · ... litt le Rock , Aric.. · .. Birmingham, Ala . · .... Clinton, Ark. · . . Magnolia, Ark. · .. Show law, Ari. . Valdos ta. Ga. ...... Pasadena . Texas JOhlllton, Melb. . Morris , III. JOItts , Dougla. . . .. Middleton. Ohio JanIS, 'am.1a ....... Greenville. Texas Jordan, lobert ... Searcy, Ar1c IH, Whtdll ....... Collinsville, til . ".n, St"ln ........ Dallas , Texos Ilnnington, lonn ..... Texarkana , Texas .. Clinton, Ark . · ... Benton , Ark. . Florissant , Mo. · . Sioux Falls , S.D. · .. Sou thga te, Mich. Iicld, lathryn li"'potridl, Nanty Knopf, Ker.n hintr, Dott" Lanc., SHyen lane, Shelio lang. , James ............. Guy , Ark . . ... .. Searcy, Ark . L.....nd.', Nanty ........ Columbus , Ohio la., Valeri• .......... Granite City, til. lee, lob.rt ........... Frederick , Okla . lee, Roger .............. Bedford, Ind. Lemmons, Carton ........ lubbock, Texas Lewis, J.rry ... Memphis, Tenn. le.ls, Mary .... Newport, An:. LI.Is, Wolter Under, B.... erty Ung. , Curti. Long, Christi.,. . lott , Br.nda Lough, Gr.gory Lovelac., Chari.. · Center line, Mich. · .. Branchville, S. C. · ... Bellevve , Wash. · .. Cookeville, Tenn. . ....... Tyler , Texas · ...... Solem, Mo. · ... Memphis, Tenn. lynn, 'amel. . .. . . . Memphis, Tenn. McClaff.rty, Patrick . . .... Turlock, Calif. McCallne, DH ..... little Rock, Aric McCI..kly, Brian ..... . Pocahontas, An:. McCord, Randall ... Piggett, An:. McCorkil. Brandt . Irving, Texas McDanill , 'am.1a . . Pine Bluff, Ark. 112