1972-1973 Yearbook

How.lI. Su.le .......... little Rock. An: , Hueter. Ke.,.., ....... Warm Springs, An: . Huey. Carol ....... Marysville , Ohio Hunter,Oartita ..... Miami, Oklo. Hunter, Dole ........ Tupelo, Aric. Hurd, David ......... Paragould, Aric. Hurt, fer... .......... Nashvill~, Tenn. Hyde, Katrina Hydrid< , Guy Jacque. , Beverty Jernigon, Jon Johnson, Sharon Jane. , C.therine Jane., Oarl.en . . . . . . . . . Searcy , Aric . .. Eorle, Aric. ...... Blytheville, An: . .. Auburn, Ky. .... Quit~n , Aric. ....... Plymouth, Mich. . Searcy, Aric . Jane., Janieili . . ...... Coshocton, Ohio Jane. , Tom ........... St . louis, Mo. Jordan, Dayid . . .... Springfield, Mo. Jordan, John ...... Troy, Mich. Ju.tu. , Midl.. 1 ...... l ittle Rock , Aric. Jullu. , Patricio . . . .. Houston, Texas leck, BarbO,. .. Doniphan, Mo. lelly, G.roW ............. Hugo, Oklo. Kendoll·BolI. lenneth . Bulowoyo, Rhodesia Kennedy, OIida .......... Chester, N. J. letchum, Be"rty ....... Hustsville, Ala . lieffner, Midtoel ....... Paragould, Aric. lingdon, John .......... Hitchcock, S. O. linkaid, lann ... Benton, Aric. lirily, Randall liril, Je.,.., litzmiller, Poul 1111n. Patricio Illmm, Stevln lrull, Ramona Iwok , Fnd.rlck . · .... Aberdeen, Miss. .. Ethr idge, Tenn. .. Dallas , Texas · ..... Security, Colo, · ..... Securitv, Colo. .. Neosho, Mo. ... Searcy, Aric. Lane, Joml. Wynne, Aric. la",e, DebIHl ...... Florence, Ala. Larue. Jame. . .... Bartlesville, Oklo. LadIY, Dayld .. Searcy, An: . Law.on, RaMy .. . .... McCrov, Aric. lawyer, Kenneth .......... lamar, An: . ledgerwood, Samu.1 ... Cassville .Mo. llndlrman, J.... tt. .... Paragould, An: . llttlr, Joni~ .......... Richmond, Ind. lewi., Emma .......... Gainesville, Flo . ll.i., Joel ..... Paragould, An: . loney, Virginia ... Colorado Springs , Colo. Long, Julil ............ Carlisle, An: . lough, Danny ........... Solem, Mo. JUNIORS Pianist provides 'Old West' tunes for Coffee House aELTING out a ragtime tune, Keith Rhodes sets the tempo and the atmosphere for the Coffee House Saloon. 104