1972-1973 Yearbook

+ ~1 _ ._- _.- ~;a Gant , keith ............ Nashville. Ark. Gonvs, Jom.. . ...... ,. New Orleans, La. Gedde., Sharon ....... . . Shreveport, lo. Gillett, C.r~ .......... . .. Fresno, Ohio GIIII., 8e.. rfy ..... De Funiok Springs, Flo. Gilmore, lawrence . West Palm Beach, Flo. GlI,Nlh. RIdo, ......... Bald Knob. Aric. Gomer, Robert ........ Kansas City, Kon. Gooden. Tom Ed ......... Carlisle, Ark. Go.ney, Mary ...... Carlisle, Aric. Grady, Dan", ....... Jocksonville, Ark . Grear. Philip ....... Parkersburg. W. Vo . Greene. Jam.. . ...... Beover Foils , Po. Michael Gr.ene . Atlanta, Go. Grisham, Cynthia .. ... .. .... Bay , Ark . Guthery, David , ..... ... .. Norton, Ohio Hall, Jimmy ., ......... . Ft . Smith, Mc . Hall, Linda ...... , .... Tulsa , Oklo. Hamitton. (.or ......... Trenton, lenn. Hamrick, Cheri ...... Muscle Shools, Ala . Hanelley, Jani. . ...... Inkster, Mich. Hone,. , Vriginio ........ Davenport, Iowa HarteH, Mortha ..... . .... Albany, N.Y. Ham., Debra ........... Prescott, Ark . Horwood, Jam.. . .... . . lonoke, Ark . HOllltine, Cklud• ....... . Dallas, Te)(Qs Halll." Brenda ....... Indionopolis, Ind . Hawte,. , Dayid ............. York, Neb. Ha,..., L,.ndo ...... Oklahomo City, Oklo. Hethr, Lindo . . ........ Houston, Texas Hecker, Lucinda ........ SeiJersblXg, Ind, He.lund, Sandra . .. . Memphis, TeM. Hely.,lng, Robert ....... . Bradford , Ark. Hendricb, Patrick . McCool Junction, Neb. Hendrix, Olen . .. .... Prescott, Ark . Hemnllton, Phil . . ..... Arkadelphia, Ark. Hill, Gary ......... Parkton, Md. Himelick, Jeffery . ... ... Russiaville, Ind. Himelidc, leretO ... . ..... Kennett , Mo, Hinerman, Mary ...... , Cokmtbiono, Ohio Hodge, Jonet . . Dallas, Texas HOllin. , Moreu. . .. Jonesboro, Alii: . Holder, aemelta .......... Flippin, Alii: , Holland, Barbara .. North little Rock, Alii:, Holland, Cherie . . . . . .. Sherman, Texas HoulI, David D.. .. North little Rock, Ark. HOUII, Dayid Warner .. .. . . Delight, Ark, Howard, lon,.a ..... ... .. . Clyde, Texas Howell, Bryon .. .. .... . . Darlington, Po. JUNIORS 'Insect' band welcomed at watermelon party THRU Iron Ticks and two Aluminum Chiggers provide mirth and music at the annual watermelon party, 103