LLOYD WESTBROOK, Marietta, Ohio. Accounting. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2. PATRICIA WHERRY, CenterviHe, Tenn. Social Work. Trans· fer from Freed-Hardeman College. Behavioral Science Club 3,4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Campaigns Northeast 4; Phi Delta 3,4. Treasurer 3. Historian 4. LINDA WHITE, Columbia, Tenn. Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed -Hardeman College. Phil Delta 3,4. ROBERT L WHITE, Searcy, Ark. Accounting. Alpha Chi 3,4; Delta Mu Delta 3.4, President 4; Amer ican Studies 2,3.4; Bison Staff 3; Pi Gamma Psi 2,3,4; Emory Business Team 3.4; Kappa Sigma Kappa 1.2,34, Treasurer 2, Vice-President 3; Intramurals 1,2,3,4.. SANr.'lA L WHITED, Vienna, W. Va. Speech Therapy. Transfer from Ohio Valley College. KHCA Staff 3. DWINA L WHITIl£, Henderson, Tenn. Biology. Transfer from Freed -Hardeman College. Alpha Chi 4; Bison Staff 3; Petit Jean Staff 4; Regina 3,4, Historian 3. DIAN WILLIAMS, Plano, Tex. Business Education. Big Sisters 1; Chorale 3; SNEA 2; Omega Phi 4, Secretary 2, President 4. JAMES RAY WILLIAMS, Fordyce, Ark. Business Administration . Bison Band 1,2; Chorale 1; Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3,4. President 4. JOEl STEPHEN WILLIAMS, Huntsville, Ala . Chemistry and Bible. Transfer from University of Al abama. MARTHA LYNN WILLIAMS. Lake CharIeSt La, Vocational Home Economics. AHEA 3.4; Kappa Kappa Kappa 1,2,3.4, Secretary 3. SANDRA WILLIAMS, W. Frankfort. 111. Social Work. Transfer from Freed -Hardeman College. Behavioral Science Club 4; Bison Boosters 4; Women's Dorm Council 3; Gata 3,4. Treasurer 4. DAVID W. WILLIS, Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. Biology. Transfer from Okaloosa Walton Jr. College . Class Officer 4; Bison Boosters 3,4; Campaign Northeast 3; Science Club 2; TNT 2,3,4; Tofebt Beau 4; Gas House Gang 4. ROSSENE WISHAM, Trenton, Tenn. Elementary Education. Transfer from Freed -Hardeman. Campaigns Northeast 3; Dactylology 3; Les Bonnes De Christe 3; Mission Study 3.4; Theta Psi 3,4. TIM WOLF, Sikeston , Mo. Art. Sigma Tau Sigma 1,2,3,4, Treasurer 3. Vice -President 4; Intramurals 3. ROY LEE WOMACK, Benton, Ark. Physical Education. Beta Phi Kappa 1.2,3,4, SUSAN C. WOODS, Titusville, Fla. Secretarial Science. A Cappella Chorus 1.2,3; Bison Staff 4; Recording Chorus 3; Phi Delta 1.2,3.4. Vice ·President 4. GARY J. WOODWARD, Fort Worth, Tex. Math, Alpha Chi 3,4, President 4; Who's Who 4; Ganus Academic Award 2; Campaigns Northeast 1,2; Student Asociation 2.3,4; TNT 1,2.3,4; Inramurals 3. CHERYL S, WOOTON. Kingman, Kans. Vocational Home Economics. Transfer from York College. AHEA 3,4; KHCA Staff 3.4; Recording Chorus 4; SNEA 4. KENNETH WORSHAM, Anniston, Ala. Business Administration . Beta Phi Kappa 1,2,3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. KATHY WRIGHT, Bentonville, Ark. Elementary Education. Transfer from York College. Big Sisters 4; Dactylology 3,4; SNEA 4. CHARLES YOUNG, Glen Burwie, Md. Bible. Alpha Chi 3,4; Campaigns Northeast 4; Alpha Epsilon Chi 3,4. Vice· President 4. RANDALL ZEPS, Indianapolis. Ind. History. Class Off icer 3; Bison Boosters 1,2 .3.4; Campus Players 3,4; Chorale I; Madrigals I; Petit Jean Staff 4; Young Democrats 4, President 4; Mohican 1,2,3,4; Kappa Kappa Kappa Beau 3,4; Swimming 1,2,4; Intramurals 1,2,3,4. ALEXANDRIA liNK. Shadyside, Ohio, Secondary Education. Alpha Chi 3.4, Treasurer 4; American Studies 4; Big Sisters 3,4; Bison Band 2.3.4; Bison Boosters 4; SNEA 3,4; Women's Dorm Counci l 2; Zeta Phi 4, Vice-President 4; Nu Lambda Chi 2, President 2; Frater Sodalis Queen 4. PAMELA SUE ZUMWALT, Pittsfield, III. Elementary EduCl' tion. Transfer from Freed-Hardeman .college. KHCA Staff 4; Phi Delta 3,4. 93