1971-1972 Yearbook

MARRIED STUDENTS Married students granted voice in campus government Provi ding an int eresting and unique culture on the Harding scene, married student s contri buted grea tly to the success of the school yea r. Playing integral part s in academi cs and athl eti cs, they also found a large portion of their time taken with household responsibilities. Many coupl es faced the task of carrying a full load of study whil e attempting to meet the cha llenge of childra ising. For the fi rst year, the Student Association and Campus Congress el ections were ex tended to include representati ves from the marri ed students. The aim of their representa ti on was to provide greate r cooperati on between marr ied and dorm students. The Harding tra il er park a nd apartment s plus off-campus housing offered a wide va ri ety of li ving conditi ons for coupl es. Rega rdl ess of their situa ti on they we re happy to be together in their own home. , EXHIBITING apparent displeasure at a necessary tosk, Bill Johnson completes his dai ly trip to the trash cans neor his apartment. COMBINING necessary chores, Charley Oliver hangs her wash out to dry while keeping a close watch on her little daughter, Jeannie. 52