1971-1972 Yearbook

FACULTY Faculty increase adds to success of academic year An important addition of three teachers was made to the Academy faculty. Mrs. Curtis taught Home Ec0nomics and sponsored two clubs. Mr. Martin supervised Harding's speechrelated activities and Coach Hesselrode taught girls' P. E. Each became a part of and contributed to Academy life in his own way. . Part of Harding Academy's success followed naturally because of the individual attention provided by the teachers. Patience, a sincere desire to help, and a firm, guiding hand was supplied for every Academy student. ILLUSTRATING a point in toothpick sculpture is one facet of Miss Mitchell's day. 266 C. Alen.do. Elementary B. A1sto. Elementary B. Barde. Coach H. Blu. Elementary J. Brown Math R. Browning History G. CurtI. Home Ee, R. Dixo. French D. Ellioll Coach D. Gould Science M. Groover Business PINNING on patterns with Dione Reynolds, Mrs. Curtis Qives instruction in sewing.