leHer from the North Central AccreditIng Association with Mr. Diles and Mr. Berryhil l. P£/IRY S. MASON, MAo LID, Superintend.nt BIU DILES, MA, PrincipII J. E. BERRYHIll, MA, Recimll ADMINISTRATION Administrators use experience in guidance of student body PERRY S. MASON, MA, LLD, dedicaled himself to the supervision of Harding Academy. His inleresl in the sludenls ranged from sponsorship of the Key Club and Ihe school paper to backing Ihe current sport with an en· musiaslic chapel talk each Wednesday. Allhough continually involved in school affairs, Dr. Mason found time to lend his leadership to civic programs and to extensive lecluring on American· ism throughout Arkansas and the sur· rounding states. BILL DILES, MA, completed his fifth year as principal of Harding Academy. Encouraging students to compete in state-wide contests of business skills, he sponsored the Future Business Leaders of America. Being a strong backer of the Wildcats, he served as announcer and statistician for the athletic teams. Mr. Diles also taught two classes, general business and Bible. Yet, in spite of his full schedule, he still found time to help individual slUdents with their problems. J. E. BERRYHILL, MA, Registrar for the Academy, has played a key role in the administration for 18 years. An avid supporter of the Wildcats, he was a familiar sight at all the athletic events. Mr. Berryhill's calmness and patience among the confused students during registration time proved to be a source of strength for students as well as teachers. Hi s other responsibilities in· cluded teaching Driver's Education and American History and supervising snack break activities. 265