VARIETIES of outfits always appear during pledge week as can be seen by this Theta Psi pledge wearing knee socks, a Bock the Bison sign, and the traditiona l bunny ears. TllETA PSI. TOP ROW: Bennelt (Tr..s.), Boatright , Bristow, Claborn (Sec.), Clark, Cooper. SECONO ROW: Dyer. Faught, Fellows. Johnson (Vice·Pres.), Manuel, Mathews. TH IRD ROW: Montgomery, Pullen, Quacken· bush, Randall , Reaves, Smith. FOURTH ROW: Stewart, J. Vance (Pres.), K. Vance, Ja. White, Jo. White, Willis, Wisham. THETA PSI Theta Psi receives first place trophy for grade averages Academic excellence achieved a first place award for Theta Psi members for the previous spr ing semester. On the sports scene, Theta Psi participated actively in every competition and fared well the previous year with a championship title in volleyball. This fall, members and their dates relaxed on a hayride to Wyldewood, where Lhey played games, bui lt a bonfire, and conducted a devotional on Bee Rock. January 27 marked the date of a get acquainted party for Theta Psi and their brother club, Sigma Tau Sigma . Snug Harbor on March 3 fulfilled banquet dreams of the year for members and their dates, ,' . . 1 • ", I II .... I .... Club Beoux. LESTER BUSBY, GREG BAGLEY 257