1971-1972 Yearbook

REGINA Club funds furnish room in American Heritage building Club spirit soared during Homecoming weekend when Regina won the spirit trophy for the game and the club members assisted at the concession stand during the game. Reginas enjoyed reminIscing with former members at an alumni breakfast prepared in the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Joe Pryor. A room in the American Heritage received furnishings as a result of their club project for the year. Exchanging gifts and playing games revived the Christmas spirit during a Christmas party at Nancy Graddy's home in Little Rock. Banquet plans for Fchruary and an outing in the spring to Petit Jean filled the calendar for the yea' Club Beaux, DEAN BAWCOM, JIM TROTTER SUPPORTING the Bison ot a pep roily ore cheering Reginos Walters and Campbell. 256 REG INA. TOP ROW: Pryor (sponsor), Adams, Allen, Arnold, Arrington, Bagnetto, Bates, Bawcom (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Beasley, Bell, Benson (Vice·Pres.), Branch (Treas.), Bullard, Byers, Campbell, Cooper, Cowart. THIRD ROW: Dillard. Graddy (Pres.) , Green, Groover, Gunter, Hargett, Henning, Holder, Howe. FOURTH ROW: Hupp, lawyer, Leatherwood, lynn, Mcltlwain, Newcomb, Parks, Peddle, Phillips. FIFTH ROW: Pilgreen, Pryor, Richardson, Sain, Shearin, Walters, Warf. Watts, Whittle.