DRTA. TOP ROW: Pryor (sponsor) , Baggett, Broom, Burns, Cochran (Sec.), L Colvett, N. Colvett. ROW: Croom, Doak, Farrar, Fortenbury, Gardner, Gifford, Horton. THIRD ROW: Howard, Hunter, i , l agrone, long, Miller. FOURTH ROW: Milton, Moxley, Muchmore, Neal, Olsen , Perry, (Treas.), Rix. FIFTH ROW: Roll, Scudder, Singleton, Southard, B. Trapp, C. Trapp, D. Trapp Turner. SIXTH ROW: Vines, Wherry, White, Widel , Willke, Williamson , Wolverton, Woods (Vice·Pres.) . , Club Beaux, TERRY McCORMICK, MIKE GRAY PHI DELTA Phi Delta receives first place award for chapel program Phi Delta members presented an excellent patriotic program and won the award for best chapel program of the previous school year. By participating in all club sports competition and keeping the proper attitude, members were also rewarded by receiving the Sportmanship Award for the previous year. Wyldewood on October 29 set the scene for Phi Delta members and tlleir dates as they masqueraded for a Halloween party. A Mexican style banquet at Casa Bonita was held on December 7, and spring provided an excellent time for their club outing. TUG of war across the creek provides fun and exerc ise for the club spring outing. 255