1971-1972 Yearbook

;IIEDINIG an unsuspecting pledge some harmless yet distasteful food on rough night in· Nikki Johnson and her Oege pledge in routine procedure for club initiations. TOP ROW: Green, Jolly (sponsors), Albaugh, Barton, Bennett, Burch, Buey. SECOND ROW: Burt, CanI (Vice·Pres.), Cole, Cross, Daniels, Deacon. THIRD ROW: Everett, Fambro, Faulkner, Foshee. Garrett, Guthrie, Hackworth. FOURTH ROW: M. Johnson, N. Johnson (Pres.), lowery, luttrell, MaM.han, Meeker, Melson. FIFTH ROW: Nadeau, Patton, Peddle (Sec.), Polk. Powers, Prince, Ray. ROW: Rinks, Searcy, Shipman (Treas.), Skelton, Thompson, Throgmorton, Weeks. Woods. OEGE Championship title in club spasketball received by 0 ege The home of Mrs . Stanley Green served as the location for Oege's Alumni breakfast during Homecoming, when a warm club fellowship was en· joyed. A Skating Party held in early December provided time for club memo bers to have fun and get some exer· cise. In small club sports competition, Oege captured the spasketbaJl cham· pionship and participated in all other sports. A Valentine's theme provided the atmosphere for a Fehruary banquet at Snug Harbor in Heber Springs. Club Beoux, JOE HACKWORTH, GERALD BURROW 253