Club Beau, TOM COOK MU ETA ADELPHIAN Red Cross awards MEA for complete club participation Beautifying their blindfolded pledges during rough initialion night with cake flour and eggs proved to be a messy experience for MEA pledges and pledgemistresses alike. The club's top participation in the Red Cross Blood Drive resulted in a first place plaque for winning the club competition the previous spring and this fall. They won the competition in the fall with an outstanding 100 percent plus participation. Wriling to the children in the Southern Christian Home in Morrilton served as another project involving each of Ihe members. The Christmas spirit touched each of the girls early in December with the help of their Old Fashioned Christmas Party, and plans were made for a Valentine banquet and an outing in April. 252 MEA. TOP ROW: Knight (sponsor), Anderson, Bitting (Pres.), Bradley (Sec.), Cox, Oat•. SECONO ROW: Dockery, Knupp. Lewis, lucas, McMillien (Vice·Pres.), Myhan. THIRD ROW: Power, Smith, Starlina:. T..... Williams, Wood (Treas.). ADMIRING the plaque their social club merited for giving 100 percent plus in the Red Cross blood drive in the fall are proud MEA members Paulo Bitting and Donna Dale.