1971-1972 Yearbook

Club Queen ALEXANDRIA ZINK FRATER SODALIS Frater publishes monthly club paper named tThe Hooter' "The Hooter," the only club newspaper, was ediled by Ken Kendallball and published monthly. The task of cleaning Ihe Old Science Building was accompli shed by Fraters as a club project. Ramada Inn in Conway on February II provided the time and place for a thrilling evening as banquet season centered around the theme, "A Time for Us" . A club outing on April 29 at Blanchard Springs and club activities with their sister club, Tofebt, filled the remaind.r of the year's agenda. 230 FRATER SODALIS. TOP ROW: Ritch ie, Wright (sponsors), Adams, Collins (Vice·Pres.), Flynn, Gibbons. SECOND ROW: Green. Hibberd, Hurlbert, Kendall -Ball , McCown, Miller. THIRD ROW: Reese (Sec.), Sander· son, Shaner, D. Smith, M. Smith, Soleyn . FOURTH ROW: Swayne (Treas.), Terry, Wallis (Pres.), Weill, Wil son, Worsham. RECEIVING the necessa ry signature of a Frater sponsor, Dr. Wrigh t, during the days of pledging activities, is Dorion Flynn, wearing his helmet, while Carl Swartz witnesses.