AIIHA TAU EPSILON. TOP ROW: Moore, White (sponsors), Barnett, Bauer, Bradburn, Brewer, Brunner. SECOND ROW: ,Carpenter, H. Crews, K. Crews, Cox, Demaree, Denham, Drake. THIRD ROW: Drew (Pres.), FlllUson, Freeman, Gibson, Grubb (Sec.-Treas.), Hazel, Heinburger. FOURTH ROW: Heinerman, Hinds, Isenbure, Jeralds, Jerkins, Johnson, King. FIFTH ROW: La ir, MacMacki n, Miller, Moskwa, Musick (Vice-Pres.), Pauley, Peacock. SIXTH ROW: Petree, Petty, Ratliff, Reagan, Roberson, She lton , Starnes. SEVENTH ROW: Steed, Stige r, Stubbs, Tarbett, Truex, Ward, Weaver, Wells. Club Queen DEBBI E DICKEY ALPHA TAU EPSILON ATE spirit banner encourages club and school enthusiasm For the purpose of encouraging club spirit, as well as school spirit, Alpha Tau Epsilon prepared and displayed a banner, bearing their club emblem and name, in the gym. Signs to 'back the Bison' were placed under it. Sports competition dominated club interest in the fall, resulting in first place honors for A and B teams in volleyball. ATE members enjoyed a weiner roast at Wyldewood in the fall and their annual banquet in the spring. DISPLAYING their new club bonner in the gym are ATE president and other members. 227