ALPHA PHI KAPPA APK organizes aid by blood donations forleuUkennia victinn Alpha Phi Kappa members organized a group of students to go to Little Rock to give blood for AI Lyrxls, who was stricken with leukemia and in need of blood. They succeeded in giving 29 pints of blood for the worthy cause. Interest continued in club sports competition for APK members this year, especially in football and basketball. A banquet and other functions highlighted plans for the Spring. Club Queen TERRY CASSITY 226 ALPHA PHI KAPPA. TOP ROW: Myers (sponsor), Adkins (Vice-Pres.), Atteberry (Pres.), Brumley. Byrd. SECOND ROW: Clarkson, Coley, Cruce, Curtis, Dixon. THIRD ROW: Dotson , Frauenthal. Hackworth. Hendrix. Hodge. FOURTH ROW: McCutcheon (Sec.-Treas.), Redd, Robinson, Sandlin. Turner, Wood.