ENTERTAINING the chapel aud ience in "Those Were The Days," a humorous, original play written and performed by the Alpha Omega members as a chapel program, is Barrie Cox. ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA. TOP ROW: Ganus, Helsten (sponsors), Berryhill, Boswell, Cox: (Pres.), Epperson, Frazier. SECOND ROW: Hobelman, Jacoby, lawrence, lawson (Sec. ), Mahaffey (Vice ·Pres.), McCorkle, Patton. THI RD ROW: Phillips, Rhodes, Scaife, Schlender, Stewart (Treas.), Walker, Walton . ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Alpha Omega gives humorous portrayal of Harding history In its third year of existence, Alpha Omega Alpha increased in number slightly and continued to grow closer as a club. Sugarloaf Mountain provided the setting [or a stag outing on October 30. Required to wear boutonnieres and to present themselves well groomed characterized Alpha Omega pledges. On November 9, the club members presented "Those Were The Days", a play written by the club for a chapel program. A formal banquet on a riverboat at Newport, Arkansas, dominated their activities in the spring. Club Queen CtNDY CATES 225