1971-1972 Yearbook

ALPHA EPSILON CHI Pledge week ends with pizza party for AEX members A pizza party culminated pledge week activities for AEX members and their pledges on rough initiation night. In spite of their small number, the members energetically participated in volleyball and basketball competition. Their spring banquet centered on the theme "The Wild, Wild West." As a club project, AEX members decided to make a board for sentence sermons. At Homecoming time club members hosted a breakfast for the alumni of AEX and enjoyed the fellowship with those who attended. Members placed third in academic achievement among the men's clubs the previous spring. Club Queen PATTI BEARD 224 e .. , .' . ENliVENING the Christmas spirit, Wayne Johnson and Roy Stephenson accompanied Petti Beard, dub queen, and Shoron Holderby, club moscot, carol in the con1munilY.