1971-1972 Yearbook

SWIMMING Waterbuffaloes set new school records in four categories Breaking five school records early in the season, Coach Don BerryhiJl's 1972 Wat erbuffal oes produced the strongest and one of th e most competitive swimming teams in Harding's hi story. Qualifying ea rly for the national s held in Mars hall , Minn., freshman Bill Morgan led the team in diving as he easily broke both req uired and optional di vi ng records previously set by Roger Shuffield. Seni or leaders Gl enn Davis and David Cunningham topped the school's best ma rks in the 60-meter freestyle and indi vidual medley events, respectively, and team captain Harry Miller established a new school record in the breast stroke event. Although Hendrix College experienced no difficulty in reta ining their AIC tit le, Harding, Ouachita, and Southern State were in close contention for the nex t three positions during the season's length . DISCUSSING the recorded clocking of his swim, Harry Miller seeks advise from Coach Berryhill about refinements in style which could improve his timing and efficiency SPRI NGING forward in a surface dive, Glenn Davis jumps at the sound of the gun in an effort that will hopefully give him an early lead over opponents in the short spr int . 200 PERPENDICULAR to the pool's surface, diver Bill Morgan executes a perfect entry .