1971-1972 Yearbook

Place 01 Meet Ru ssellville. Ark. Searcy. Ark. Nashville. T Harding Joh n Brown Universi ty Hendrix NLRCC State Colleqe Philonc\." Slhiill Harding - 45 teamo Score 15 50 30 80 89 89 118 OUTSTEPPING his competitor in the fina l stage of a grueling race, co-cap tai n Tim Geary adds an importa nt score fO the Harding total. CROSS-COUNTRY Solid nucleus helps harriers recapture conference crown The Bison cross-country team fini shed a banner season by recapturing the AlC titl e. Leading the Bisons again were John Ratliff in first place and Tim Gea ry in fourth. The harri ers fini shed the season as the only undefea ted confe rence team. winning thei r first invit ational title in recent yea rs and re-establishing Harding's traditi onal dominance of AIC cross-country. SRIVING to gain the front positions, Bison cross-country team members leap from the starting line in a concentrated unit competi ng against top southeastern opponents. Ratliff became Harding's third harri er to win hi s second consecutive AIC titl e by smashi ng the fi ve-mile course record with a 25 :37 time. 199