WATCHING his oldest son Steven play football , enjoying a fun moment, and relaxing in his favorite overalls, Mr. Tucker is a friendly, familiar sight at Galaxy ball games. lOTT TUCKER, SA OBSERVING the first landscaping around the newly completed men'; dorm,Mr. Tucker completes another personal goal and another major building project for Harding students. VICE-PRESIDENT Mr. Tucker heads $350,000 Searcy drive for Harding LOTI R. TUCKER, JR., Harding's Vice· President for Finance, was presen ted the Citizen of the Year Award by the Searcy Civitan Club for distinguished service and outstanding business and civic leadership. He served as head of a successful drive in Searcy 10 raise $350,000 for the college, proving himself worthy of such an award. On campus. he became involved in everything related to the financ ial operation of Hard ing and specifically concerned himself with the construction of the new studen t center. He also served as cha irman of the Industrial CommiHee for the Searcy Chamber of Commerce. 17