SNEA. FRONT ROW: Perry, McCray, Bitting, Church, McGruder, Taggart, Pedigo, Shearin, Burt, Glatt, James, Maxey, Grimes. SECOND ROW: Gifford, Jorgensen, Holmes, Shaw, Bledsoe, Holderby, Merriman, Burch, Moore, Knupp, Betts, link, Simpson. TH IRD ROW: Bever, McCready, Hickerson, Aven, Imholf, lacey, Norwood, Hoy, Haney, Sewell, Wooton, Underwood, Carr. FOURTH ROW: Robinson, Bobbitt, Blackwood, Sp ikes, Kurrelmeyer, Waite, Clay, Morris, Cates, Denham, Davis, Power, Nonnenmacher, Mathews. FIFTH ROW: Riley, Cooper, Miller, He~ly, Huey, Conley, Parker, Cox, Kirk, Bush, Nwokeh, Barton, Moxley, Spikes, Parkinson, Cash. TEACHING learn ing game, Valerie Massey instructs her fellow SNEA club members. FRENCH CLUB. FRONT ROW: Strother, Holmes, Burton, l. Bonner, Vance. SECOND ROW: land!"Jm, Hayes, Norwood, Kilday, Wright (sponsor). THIRD ROW: B. Bonner, Hecker, Bost, Cooper, Nicola. MEMBERS of the French Club sing seasonal songs in French under the direction of Dr. Winfred Wright at an annual Christmas party. RELAXED in the Music Building lounge, Carol Smith, Joe Roper, Rick Smith, and Danna Dale review scores of music before a class. 174