1971-1972 Yearbook

PEMM. FRONT ROW: Wallace, Wa lker, Smith , Matthews, Sewe ll , Merriman, Griffith, Glatt. SECOND ROW: Nichols, Awtrey, Conrey, Fitzgerald, Griffin, Sewell, Cates. THrRD ROW: Ba. Messe r, Broom, Kirk, Harris, Hoberman, Green, Huey, Bo. Messer. DEPARTMENTAL Air pollution is predominant theme with Science Club Science Club sponsor, Maurice Lawson, attended an early seminar at Louisiana State University which promoted ideas for involving students in the prevention of pollution. Throughout the year, this dominated the minds of the club members . The club is affiliated with the Arkansas Collegiate Academy of Science, of which Randy Smith, a Harding student, served as treasurer. The PEMM Club attended a fishing clinic with George Purvis, Director of the Arkansas Fish and Game Commission, and a scuba diving clinic. They also sent representatives to the national convention of the American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Art Guild trips were taken to the Delta Art Show and the Art Festival in Little Rock. A trip to Memphis, a White Elephant Christmas Party, and the annual Sidewalk Sale filled the year's activities. The Behavioral Science Club traveled to the Children's Colony in Conway as well as to various state hospitals. SCIENCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Jorgensen, Collins, Franklin . SECOND ROW: lawson (sponsor), Miller, Farrar, Conrey. THIRD ROW: Masters, Crim, Zink. 172 LOOKING on in disgust at the odiferaus and polluting environment of the Searcy dump, Mr. Maurice lawson and Eric Zink discuss possible solutions to the atrocious eye-sore.