1971-1972 Yearbook

COLD KEY. FRONT ROW: Mclnteer, Burton. SECOND RDW: Landrum, Zink, Denham. THIRD ROW: Ganus, Mickey. AIIIIA DELTA LAMBO.... FRONT ROW: Aldrich, Nelie, Burton. SECOND ROW: Aven, Franklin, Holderby. THIRD ROW: Banta, Shields, Underwood. FOURTH ROW: Cleveland (sponsor), Cash, Wood . LEADERSHIP GROUPS New Gold Key club formed for honor women of Harding Honor women originated the Gold Key cl ub as a method of recognizing students who personified outstanding contributions of leadership in service. Their standards for acceptance were set according to leadership, service, and spirit. All members were juniors or above with at least a 3.20 grade point average. Each girl was also involved in a minimum of two differing extra curricular fields not including a social club. The club established an annual scholarship for an incoming freshman girl and beautified the campus with flowers. Alpha Lambda Della provided the opportunity for sophomore women, who maintained a grade point average of 3.50 or above, to meet as a group. The members used their talents for tutoring freshmen having academic difficulty, who requested their service. PAIN of study fo r Vicki Claborn is eased VIO the a ssist ance of Sharon Hol derby. 171