1971-1972 Yearbook

DIRECTING fellow students in a song of worship by not only sing. ing but signing is Jerry Whitworth at a Dactylology meeting. ALPHA PHI OMEGA. FRONT ROW: S. Tullos, Bollon , D. Tullos. SECOND ROW: Barrington, Justus. Rosch. SERVICE GROUPS Alpha Phi Omega takes active part in youth activities The young organization of Alpha Phi Omega pelitioned for forma l recognition among other campuses. As a service club made up of former Boy Scouls of America, Ihe group cooperated with youth movements and through these activities provided a service to humanity. Dactylology made valuable use of their practice in meetings by going as a body to the Central Church of Christ in Little Rock every Sunday to work with the deaf. The club focused its attention on a children's class in Little Rock along with picnics and devotionals. Big Sisters, one of the first clubs to function thi s year, fo llowed their theme, "A Helpi ng Hand" through assistance to new freshman girls. 167