1971-1972 Yearbook

AlPHA PSI OMEGA. FRONT ROW: Krummel , L. Ell is. SECONO ROW: West (sponsor), Ru shton. THIRO ROW: Smith, M. Ellis (sponsor) , Moore. FOURTH ROW: Brock, Hawley. " KAPPA OELTA. FRONT ROW: Landrum. Smith , Oeidiker. SECOND ROW: Estes, Matheny. THIRD ROW: ,.rker (sponsor), Ulrey (sponsor), Sigmund . FOURTH ROW: Castle, Goudeau. SKILLFULLY, the art ist attends to every minute deta il of Teresa Rushton's face . NAT'L. HONOR GROUPS Effectiveness in persuasion is goal of Pi Kappa Delta Striving to uphold the motto, "The art of persuasion, beautiful and just," Pi Kappa Delta continued to sponsor college debate tournaments in White County. The group attended more than a dozen such events during the year. Exhibition debates were opened to the public on many occasions and they took part in the Pi Kappa Delta Regional Tournament in March. As members of Pi Kappa Delta, individuals received the highest recognition possible in speech and debate. The honorary drama fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega, promoted drama in both academic and practical areas. They presented the "Reader's Theater" and showed classic films illustrating examples of fine acting and staging for those interested in the fie ld of drama. 163