1971-1972 Yearbook

I RELIGIOUS GROUPS Campaigners ready for northeastern evangelism field Preparation for evangelistic work in northeastern America began for Campaigns Northeast in regular meetings throughout the school year. A series of speakers, group discussions, and study sessions provided the necessary background for summer work in the field. Two groups led by Ow.en D. Olbricht and Arlin Hendrix covered metropolitan areas in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Massachusettes last summer. They spent three weeks in each city. Mr. Olbricht, director of Campaigns Northeast, led the follow up team to continue the evangelizing effort, while student members attended classes during the winter. Dr. W. Joe Hacker coordinated the endeavors of two groups representing European Campaigns for an eight week work in Germany, Holland, and Italy. The teams personally contacted 35,000 homes, distributed 170,000 tracts, directed 55 Bible studies, and arranged 50 Bible correspondence courses. Various evangelistic meetings drew the greatest attendance known to these areas. The campaigners were invited to return the next summer and add another division in England. 152 CAMPAIGNS NORTHEAST. FRONT ROW: linder, B. Evans, Pedigo, Granger, Lawrence, Luttrell, Chandler, Imhoff. SECOND ROW: Brooks, Anderson, Nonnenmacher. Smith, Fellows, Brockwell, Paden, Catterton. THIRD ROW: Trudgen, Cross, Allison, l. Evans, Cooper, Stough, Reese, Vance. FOURTH ROW: Woods, Johnson. Rosch, Gibbons, Young, Hobelman, Travis, Kilday. FIFTH ROW: Freeman, Flynn, Taylor, Carrell, Allen, O'Neil, McGough, Cook. EXPER IENCE toward campaign work to be done in the northeastern region of the United States is gained by Ruth Nonnenmacher and Ron Stough by conversing with a housewife.