1971-1972 Yearbook

PLUNGING her ladle beneath the surface of the steominq caldron of chili, Jann Mahoftey makes ready another scrumptious helping for Kay Banta at the annual SA Chili Supper. AliNING the hillside . students await the beginning of the pep rally and bonfire. CASUALLY conversinQ, Allen lawrence and Brenda McDaniel relax during Open House. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Campus Congress increases student communication Desiring to have closer communication with the individual student, the SA introduced the Campus Congress. Its purpose was to provide better representation of each individual student to the SA Council and involve more students in accomplishing the projects of the SA. Working to assist and back the SA in all of their projects, the activities of the Campus Congress included the Variety Show, French Pastry Shops, the annual Chili Supper, and Friendly Week . The Congress acted as host to groups visiting the campus throughout the year. T heir duties also included suggestions for improvement of the dormitories, opi nion surveys of all oncampus students, providing workers for SA projects, and initiating projects for themselves and carrying these out upon the approval of the SA Council. 145