SENIOR OFFICERS: Dr. Neale Pryor, sponsor; Mrs. Pryor, sponsor; Dr. James Carr, sponsor; Ferrell Drum, vice-pfesident; Mrs. Carr, sponsor; Joe McReynolds, president; Sue Meeker, secretary-treasurer. SENIORS Officers elected, sponsors chosen as year begins The senior class, totaling 442, began its year by selecting class officers and sponsors. The class' activ(ties included placing second in the Homecoming float contest, dedicating the 1971 Petit Jeall to Dr. William D. Williams, and choosing Joe McReynolds for the Regina Spirit Award. Having served his junior year as vicepresident of the class, Joe was selected for recognition in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. He was president of Alpha Chi and served on both the Petit Jeall and Bisoll staffs for two years. In addition, Joe was a member of the Mission Study club and participated in intramurals. JOE McREYNOLDS, senior class president, re - cipient of the 1970·71 Regina Spirit Award. 78